We welcolme your professional enquiry

Family Compass accepts referrals from a diverse range of professionals including Lawyers, Psychologists, Counsellors, Medical Practitioners and Community Service Professionals. 

Family Compass tailors services to meet the needs of clients and to complement other services which clients are engaged with.  We understand that prompt communication is important to our customers and referring professionals.  We aim to respond to phone and email enquiries within 24 hours.

Please scroll down to make a professional or referral enquiry.

Professional or Referral Enquiry 

Telephone:  (08) 6160 5917

Fax:                (08) 6160 5901

Email:            info@familycompass.com.au 

We are based in West Perth, conveniently located near the corner of Ord Street and Walker Avenue.  

52 Ord West Perth 6005 Western Australia

There is ticket parking outside the office, or we are easily accessible via bus along Thomas Street and Kings Park Road.